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How to Improve and strong our Relationship

  ''RELATIONSHIP IS MAINLY BASED ON TRUST AND UNDERSTANDING'' Relationships plays very important role in our life. If someone has a good relationship, So they realize that they are very happy and blessed. But somehow people don't have any relationships or else having bad relationships, then they feel very sad and lonely. Feel shocking when people do suicide due to stress and depression in relationship in whichever environment we live, our relationship start getting developed with the people around us like with our friends and family, with the office colleague or with our special person every relationship have their own importance but due to busy schedule and some misunderstanding most of the relation don't last for long time and after some month we get to hear common sentences like "We have done breakup and we are no more together" it is very necessary to keep positive thinking in order to the relationship strong but many time people take this positi...

What LIFE is all about ?


Everyone has their own opinions and assumptions about life, but the life is beyond of all this.
If you want to know what really life is, So you have only the one way and that is you will have to live and experience it with your full potential and energy.
When the word ''life''  comes, People think its all about their Work,Family, Doing a party and so on. But its not about this kind of things. Because this all are for your life  not what really life is.That's why you have to know ,what really life is.

Life is important,because it's the only thing that you want to know.Rest is all imagined stuff,  Isn't it?
Life is basis of everything, When I say that is basis of everything,the universe exists for you only because you are alive and experience the universe.

These were the last words of  Gautam the Buddhahis parting message to his disciples: ''APPO DEEPO BHAV''. That means '' Be a light unto yourself '', But when He says, ''Be a light unto yourself'',He does not mean to become a light unto yourself. There is a great difference between being and becoming.

Becoming is a process, being is a discovery. The seed only appears to become the tree; that is an appearance.  The seed already had the tree within itself, it was its very being. The seed does not become the flowers. The flowers were there unmanifest, now they are manifest. It is not a question of becoming, otherwise a pebble could become a flower. But that doesn’t happen. A rock cannot become a rose; that doesn’t happen because a rock has no potential to become a rose. The seed simply discovers itself through dying into the soil: dropping its outer shell, it becomes revealed in its inner reality.

Man is a light in the seed. You are already buddhas . It is not that you have to become buddhas; it is not a question of learning, of achieving. It is only a question of recognition–it is a question of going within yourself and seeing what is there. It is self-discovery.
     The last words of Gautam Buddha on the earth were, "Be a light unto yourself". Don’t be bothered about what others say, don’t be bothered about traditions, orthodoxies, religions, moralities. Just be a light unto yourself.”Just a small light is enough, and you can go on with that small light for ten thousand miles without any difficulty. 
 Your light may be falling only four feet ahead of you – just go on moving. As you move, the light will be moving ahead, and if you can see four feet ahead, that’s enough. You can go as far as you want. You can go on an eternal pilgrimage with just a small light of your own. Don’t live on borrowed light.Don’t live on borrowed eyes .Don’t live on borrowed concepts.Live according to your own light, and your life will be, each and every moment, a greater joy, a greater blissfulness, a greater ecstasy.


Basically if you have to know about yourself as a life, than you will have to grow from inside. So if you have to grow from inside, Some education that can make you grow from inside. But it's also true ,If you are not interested to know or ready to do anything for that. So no one can make you worth for knowing yourself. If you want to know yourself(Life),
Do it yourself.Give your best effort for that,so you can be your best version and make your life worth for every possible situation.


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